
Understanding Functions and Closures in Swift Programming

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Key Insights on Functions in Swift

In Swift, functions are foundational elements used to execute tasks involving data. They help organize your code into manageable, reusable segments. For example:

func sayHello() {



sayHello() // Outputs "Hello"

Functions can also return values to the calling code, indicated by the arrow (->) syntax:

func usefulNumber() -> Int {

return 123


let aUsefulNumber = usefulNumber() // 123

Parameters can be passed to functions within parentheses, enabling them to perform operations:

func addNumbers(firstValue: Int, secondValue: Int) -> Int {

return firstValue + secondValue


let outcome = addNumbers(firstValue: 1, secondValue: 2) // 3

Functions are capable of returning a single value or multiple values in a tuple. When a function returns a tuple, you can access its values either by index or by name:

func processNumbers(firstValue: Int, secondValue: Int) -> (doubled: Int, quadrupled: Int) {

return (firstValue * 2, secondValue * 4)


// Accessing by index:

processNumbers(firstValue: 2, secondValue: 4).1 // = 8

// Accessing by name:

processNumbers(firstValue: 2, secondValue: 4).quadrupled // = 8

Function Parameter Labels

By default, all parameters following the first one require a label when calling the function. However, you can omit the label by placing an underscore before the parameter names:

func subtractNumbers(_ num1: Int, _ num2: Int) -> Int {

return num1 - num2


subtractNumbers(5, 3) // 2

You can also assign custom labels to parameters:

func add(firstNumber num1: Int, toSecondNumber num2: Int) -> Int {

return num1 + num2


add(firstNumber: 2, toSecondNumber: 3) // 5

Default and Variadic Parameters

Functions can have parameters with default values, which allows you to call them without specifying certain arguments:

func multiplyNumbers(firstNumber: Int, multiplier: Int = 2) -> Int {

return firstNumber * multiplier


// Default value used

multiplyNumbers(firstNumber: 2) // 4

For functions requiring a variable number of arguments, use variadic parameters denoted by three dots (...):

func sumNumbers(numbers: Int...) -> Int {

var total = 0

for number in numbers {

total += number


return total


sumNumbers(numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // 15

Passing Parameters by Reference

Typically, function parameters and return values are passed by value. However, using the inout keyword allows you to pass parameters by reference:

func swapValues(firstValue: inout Int, secondValue: inout Int) {

(firstValue, secondValue) = (secondValue, firstValue)


var swap1 = 2

var swap2 = 3

swapValues(firstValue: &swap1, secondValue: &swap2)

swap1 // 3

swap2 // 2

Storing and Using Functions

You can assign functions to variables:

var numbersFunc: (Int, Int) -> Int

numbersFunc = addNumbers

numbersFunc(2, 3) // 5

Functions can also accept other functions as parameters:

func timesThree(number: Int) -> Int {

return number * 3


func doSomethingWith(aNumber: Int, action: (Int) -> Int) -> Int {

return action(aNumber)


doSomethingWith(aNumber: 4, action: timesThree) // 12

Returning Functions

Functions can return other functions:

func createAdder(numberToAdd: Int) -> (Int) -> Int {

func adder(number: Int) -> Int {

return number + numberToAdd


return adder


var addTwo = createAdder(numberToAdd: 2)

addTwo(2) // 4

Understanding Closures

Closures are compact, anonymous code segments that function similarly to methods. They're particularly useful for passing to other functions to dictate how tasks should be executed. For instance:

let jumbledArray = [2, 5, 98, 2, 13]

jumbledArray.sorted() // [2, 2, 5, 13, 98]

let numbers = [2, 1, 56, 32, 120, 13]

let numbersSorted = numbers.sorted(by: { (n1: Int, n2: Int) -> Bool in return n2 > n1 })

Explore more about closures, including expression syntax and types, in the following resources.

This video titled "Swift Closures Explained" offers a comprehensive overview of closures in Swift, detailing their syntax and practical applications.

Check out "Swift Closures Explained - The ONLY video you'll ever need!" for an in-depth look at closures and how to leverage them effectively in your Swift projects.

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